Friday, March 21, 2008


I'm hosting Easter dinner. I will leave all the dramatic details for after Easter. Secondly my husband is irritated with me. "What else is new?" you ask...YEAH I KNOW!
Here's a little factoid if you hurt yourself in my presence I will laugh at you. Mean I know but I am being honest. Now if only he could understand that.....


Unknown said...

Love it.....So cute!! Is this a new lens picture? :D

AND LOL about the laughing when hurt thing...."HA HA HA, OH, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" LOL!!!!

Betsy Hart said...

ROFL!!! That is too funny, and you aren't the only one who laughs....

Leah said...

It depends on the hurt for me whether I might giggle or not. Sometimes it's more of a shocked laugh than a "ha ha ha!" laugh

but remind myself not to ever hurt myself in front of you, btw. If you really busted up about it, I'd be really offended and you'd make me CRY!!! Emily, too... We're sensitive souls. Now if only my husband could understand THAT!

AND NICK MAKES THE BEST FACES EVER! There's no way to ever get tired of taking pics of him.

PS Would she have known visually that's a new lense or did you tell her???