Saturday, March 15, 2008

Big Big day

First things first...It was Grunt's birthday yesterday. He is now 21 and legal. Good luck with work today..HAHA
Secondly I am finally getting a haircut. It's been a year and my hair is wrecked. Today I finally have the time and my husband is staying home with the kids.
Thirdly...I don't think I have a third...Oh well. I thought I would share this lovely pic of Stinkerbell...yes it is washed out but how funny....I hope everyone has a good day!!

1 comment:

Leah said...

Happy Birthday to the new 21 year old. Nice knowing the neighborhood streets are a little bit less safe now...ROFL!

ENJOY the haircut; you'd better take before/after pics.

And Stinkerbell has the most adorable expressions (and wardrobe!)