Monday, June 23, 2008

Did you hear the one about the worm?

Hello all, me (Leah) again! It's the last day you're forced to suffer through my blogging as Jen should be arriving home today (tomorrow?)... At any rate, I thought I'd share these jokes in the interest of her recent pictorial discussions of WORMS.

Q. How can you tell which end of a worm is which?
A. Tickle it in the middle and see which end laughs!

Q. What do worms leave round their baths?
A. The scum of the earth.

Q. What do you call it when worms take over the world?
A. Global Worming.

Q. Why did the worm cross the playground?
A. To get to the other slide.

Q. What kind of worm do you use for math?
A. An Inch Worm

Q. What was the worm doing in the cornfield?
A. He was going in one ear and out the other.

Q. What do you get if you cross a glow worm with a python?
A. A 15 foot strip light that can strangle you to death!

Q. What is worse than biting into an apple and finding a worm?
A. Biting into an apple and finding a half of a worm!

Q. What happens to a worm who digs too far?
A. It gets in-dig-estion

Q. What do you get when you cross a worm with an elephant?
A. Big holes in your garden.

Q. What is the best advice to give a worm?
A. Sleep late!

Q. How do you stop the Blob from eating worms?
A. Give him a good slug.

And now that you're scarred for life after reading that ridiculous bit of nonsense, I'll bow out and make my exit and wish for all your sakes that Jen never leaves town again!


Betsy Hart said...

I even shared them all with Jimmy! lol Thanks leah, for more worm jokes then I will ever know what to do with!!

Dana said...

Lol! those are cute.
Welcome back Jen!

Kaci said...

LOL! Dork

kimmy said...

My kids would love those jokes!
