Friday, May 2, 2008

YAY someone loves me

Cari gave me an award!! I know she only did it because the whole "family" thing. LOL but Cari rocks! Who shall I pass this on to? I KNOW! Kaci and Shellie! You guys are the greatest and always make me laugh. One day I will find it in my heart to forgive Kaci for the ticket she just gave me :)


Leah said...

awww, that one's cute! I haven't seen it yet.

Meanie Kaci ticketing poor sweet Jen...

Kaci said...

YAY ME!! I never get awards!! I want to frame it. Don't give it to Shellie...she takes naps!! Anita nap today and a kit kat.

Betsy Hart said...

YAY! I love awards... you gave me my only one (hint hint, lol)

also known as shell said...

Oh my gosh KACI! You're dead to me now! DEAD! You are so going to pay for that little comment.

Jen thank you *sniff* *sniff*

Okay now I'm going to go work on an award for ya'll