Friday, April 11, 2008

I see it's going to be one of those days

Today I have an appointment with the eye dr. I believe it was Shell over at Adventures in Atlanta who had posted about tearing her last contact lens. If it was her I blame her if sorry. The other morning I was putting my contacts in and I noticed that one was torn. SO I had to put in my very last pair while screaming "ASS NUGGET"! Which caused my husband to look at me as if I just told him we were pregnant...again.
I am so full of good ideas today. I'm thinking of starting a gang. I don't know what we will stand for but I can promise you the name will contain the words "skanks and bitches" (yes this is the terrible mood I am in today)
I asked my husband to make me breakfast. He brought me 1/2 of a piece of toast. WTH? again this is why I need the gang. I would make the call and he'd be forced to straighten out. Cuz that's how we roll.


Leah said...

JEN!! That is the single most horrible and hilarious (all at the same time) thing I have read in a darn long time. Can I be a co-gang leader? We need some straightening out in our neck of the woods, too.

and 1/2 a piece of toast? That's less than I'd given Connor for breakfast!!! LOL

Oh, and Reese??? She's taking pointers from Connor today. That's all I've heard from him. Screams and tears of fury

Anonymous said...

"ass nugget" never heard that before!! thats hilarious!!!
Poor reese!! gotta love those days!!!!

Betsy Hart said...

That is sucha cute picture of Reese, one for the scrapbook for sure! And I have had those days too. Though I have never torn a contact, sounds like it sucks. And half a piece of toast, my husbands Raman noodles for dinner last night isn't even that bad! lol.

Kaci said...

Ass Nugget!!

I love love love that picture!!

I so wanna be a part of that gang too!!

Okay over and out!

also known as shell said...

well it wasn't me cause I have "perfect" vision.

but thats for linking to me. the more traffic the better!!! wa ha ha
(evil laugh)

Can I please join your gang? whats the hazing process like?

also known as shell said...

*but thanks

kimmy said...

1/2 piece of toast, huh? I would have flung it right back at him like a frisbee. Yes, I am fiesty like that :)
